How to Rock Transitions

Transitions can be challenging. They threaten our feelings of safety and security. In reality though we are always in transition, we are always in the process of unfolding. A work in progress. A question I've started asking myself these days is "what am I becoming?" It gives me permission to feel okay when things are uncomfortable or a little messy as long as I'm holding the direction of becoming. It makes space for the ups and downs from all the uncertainty that is affecting all of us right now. 

If that resonates, some other good questions you can ask are: 

How are you using this time of uncertainty to transform while still holding a direction? What ways can you support the transition you're in? Personally and collectively?  

According to Eastern Medicine, transitions are the realm of the fifth element, Earth,  and the late summer season, a critical hinge point between the more outward yang seasons of Spring and Summer and the more internalizing yin seasons of Fall and Winter. The Earth Element is all about motion, transitions and transformation. It guides the movement between all the other elements. 

Here are my top 6 tips ways you support the Earth Element and thrive in transitions: 


1. Practice balance 
Balance is a practice, or more accurately, counterbalance is the practice, balance is the result. Here's a quick counterbalance practice you can try. 

2. Build a strong core 
Including some simple core activations in your practice supports fluid, graceful and integrated movement and just makes everything better. Here's a longer core practice you can try.


3. Chew your food well 

There's a saying from Eastern Medicine: "drink your food and eat your drink". Which basically means chew your food so well that it becomes liquid, and sip your liquids so as not to overwhelm the stomach. Chewing (in addition to smelling, and gratitude) is the first step to digestion, so hop on the chew-chew train ;-)

4. Raw vs. Cooked 

According to Eastern Medicine, the late summer season is related to the Earth Element, the Digestive System and the Spleen/Stomach ograns, the primary engine of the digestive system. With so many fresh foods available at the height of the harvest time, we can better support the Spleen by warming our foods to make them more easily digestible. Warm your vegetables to what I like to call 'peak vibrant colour' (heating until the colour of the food pops), not only makes food look better, but it  improves digestibility and makes the nutrients more available. 


5.  Transform Anxiety 

So many people are struggling with worry, anxiety and overwhelmed right now, all heightened by the uncertainty we're feeling these days.  According to Eastern Medicine, worry and anxiety are the contracted energy of the Earth Element. We can transform Anxiety into its expanded form, Equanimity, through the practice of generosity and the use of mindfulness. Studies show that as little as 12 minutes of mindfulness meditation daily can improve focus and wellbeing. 

If you're struggling with feelings of anxiety and overwhelm right now, commit to 30 days of at least 12 minutes of meditation daily, or if that feels like too much, pepper your day with little 'mindful minutes' where you stop what you're doing, observe your breath and watch your mind. 

6. Control the controllables in your routine

With so much that we don't have control over right now, we can put energy into things that we can control like an evening routine, and an 8 hour sleep opportunity. Even if you're not able to sleep for 8 hours, your body gets the rest it needs. 


Spring Awakening


Immune Booster